Monday 21 October 2013

Reinstating the Red Head

The one thing that always put me off dying my hair red was the warnings that came in their multitudes; each and every one threatening "It will never, ever wash out". I've probably dyed my hair more times than you've had hot dinners.. The reason? Boredom. Fun. Seasonal.  Yes,you read it, seasonal. 

So that doesn't mean I go green and red at Christmas with a gold Star on top.. My mood is easily dictated by the weather/ seasons (slight S.A.D, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Thank you for that Mother!) The darker mornings and evenings send me into mental hibernation, if I haven't got my pyjamas on, with a hot drink in hand, approach with caution..

Red to me was an obvious Autumm colour. I first coloured my hair red about 6 weeks ago, a dark mahogany red, a safe step as it could also be seen as a very, very warm brown. (or so I would tell myself if I didn't like It!)

The result: I loved it!  The only downside was how quickly it faded; remember those warnings? The obvious next step was to go slighter brighter, and test the waters a little more. 

It went back to brown so quickly:

I've never used Live Colour XXL but I had a feeling only this would take me as bright as I wanted to go!

This colour Dye...

Made this colour hair!

Those red tones in my hair that I despised every time I tried to go lighter/blonde/orange are finally In their element... And so am I!

When natural light gets a look in there are fantastic bursts of red (enhanced by old blonde highlights too)

I'm still tempted to go brighter...

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