Sunday, 23 December 2012

Tesco Jammie Dodger Biscuits!

Tesco's Jammie Biscuits!
I'm always one to try something new- and not just new recipes but new locations for recipes! I happened to pick up the mother in law-to-be's Tesco Food magazine and these Jammie biscuits jumped out at me as a great way to spend my day off whilst everyone else was at work!
They are so simple to make but can be a little time consuming if you chill the dough in the fridge for up to an hour as advised- although see this as an hour to get something else done in the meantime!
To follow this great recipe click here
I didn't have lots of shaped cutters to hand so I made mine circular using random objects found around the kitchen! They went down too well- I wasn't even offered the last one!
Good Luck!

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